Sleeping disorders and crania sacral therapy

By september 12, 2024Nieuws, Sportosteopaat

Cranio sacral Therapy: Enhancing Well-being Through Gentle Touch

Craniosacral therapy is based on the principle that the bones of the skull retain a subtle level of micromobility and a significant fluid system (blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nervous connections) throughout life. Traumas, stress, and muscle tension can inhibit these small movements and flow. With the gentle touch of an osteopath, these blockages can be detected and released.
By alleviating tension in the head, craniosacral therapy stimulates the free flow of fluids within the brain. The brain has its own lymphatic system to eliminate toxins, and craniosacral therapy can enhance this detoxification process.


Improve sleep quality

This therapy can significantly improve sleep quality, as deep sleep is when the brain detoxifies itself most effectively.
Patients often experience profound relaxation during treatment, as it helps release muscle tension in areas such as the suboccipital region, neck, and shoulders. This can be particularly beneficial for those who suffer of any type of headache or grind their teeth at night, as it softens the cervical area, facial muscles, and jaw.
Craniosacral therapy also involves treating the diaphragms in the body to restore proper balance. While most people think of just one diaphragm, there are several others, including the thoracic inlet behind the clavicles, the pelvic floor, and the floor of the mouth. This phase of treatment helps to fully release the breath, inducing a deep state of relaxation.


Science based effects

An interesting study conducted in the United States with football players demonstrated that craniosacral therapy could increase average sleep duration by upto 4 hours per night within less than three months.
Craniosacral therapy holds remarkable potential in the hands of a skilled and sensitive osteopath, offering profound benefits for overall well-being and discharges patients from using strong medicines to treat insomnia.