Pain and stiffness
Whiplash occurs after collisions or, for example, an impact on the head. They often result in unpleasant chronic complaints. In the beginning there is often stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulder region. However, if left untreated, whiplash can eventually lead to very unpleasant complaints. Dizziness, eye problems or fatigue are often heard complaints.
Symptom explanation of whiplash
How are these strange symptoms explained? The impact that can occur during a collision causes a short but intense stretch on our spinal cord and meninges. Our spinal cord and meninges are directly connected to our brain stem (at the highest cervical vertebrae). Fixations that occur at the level of our spinal cord cause enormous tension on the brain stem. The brainstem is an important link for our nervous system. Too much tension on this control system can be dangerous for our functioning. The body will automatically want to reduce this tension by exerting strong defensive tension in the neck muscles. This immune tension causes pain and stiffness. With severe whiplash phenomena, other symptoms may develop over time due to the pressure on the brain stem. This can be a headache or dizziness, but even concentration problems and emotional tension are common.
Whiplash treatment
The osteopath can improve the fixations of the connective tissue around the spinal cord and meninges. Gentle manual techniques ensure blood flow and restore flexibility. Although the flexibility of the spinal cord is limited, it is essential. Gradually the tension on the brain stem will decrease and this will automatically reduce muscle tension. The side symptoms may now also disappear.