I have stomach issues

Stomach complaints  treatment with the osteopath

Stomach acid and regurgitation is a common problem. These complaints often get worse after drinking wine or carbonated products. In practice, we often see tension around the diaphragm and the entrance to the stomach as an important reason why these complaints do not go away. The osteopath is the specialist in relaxing the diaphragm and gently mobilizing the stomach and esophagus. In this way, the stomach region will become supple again and the reflux complaints can be reduced.

Intestine impact on the stomach

As a result of tense intestines, women in particular can suffer from constipation. The osteopath can help you with this. When the osteopath mobilizes the peritoneum and intestinal membranes with gentle stretching, the blood flow and peristalsis can improve. There will be less accumulation in the intestines and this can make defecation easier. A relief for your bloated feeling!


We all experience stress at work sometimes. Fortunately, our body can handle quite a bit of stress. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be the case that a long period of stress causes the body to become overstimulated. If you suffer from jaw clenching, grinding teeth, pain between the shoulder blades or pressure on the chest, you can consult an osteopath. Stress probably plays an important role. The osteopath can positively influence the nervous system with his hands, which makes you feel more relaxed in your body.

Daily life and work impact

When we are at work, our body functions from the stress mode. Our nervous system then works from the orthosympathetic part of the nervous system. Our pupils become larger, the tension in the back and neck muscles increases and our breathing accelerates. When we function in this mode too often and for too long, our body can become overstimulated. Complaints then arise that you cannot solve yourself. Think for example of back pain, stomach ache or neck and shoulder complaints. Together with the osteopath you can restore balance in your body, which can make these complaints disappear.