Why does osteopathy work so well for headaches?

There are different types of headaches. However, most people suffer from 2 types of headaches. Tension headaches or migraines. The cause of headaches is often found in places other than where you experience the pain. Tension in the neck, shoulders or back tension are usually the reason that tension headaches arise. Because all parts of the body are connected to the head.

Tension headaches

Tension headaches often originate around the neck, shoulders, skull, jaw or thoracic spine. Because there are blockages in the body, certain neck muscles become tense. This can cause many different complaints.
Such as: -radiation to the back of the head
-Radiation to the temples
-Radiation to the forehead
-Radiation to the jaw
-A heavy and tiring head
-Pressure behind the eyes
-Nausea and dizziness.

As an osteopath, we look for the cause.

In order to achieve the best possible result, we will examine the body from head to toe. We will look for loss of movement in the musculoskeletal system, the organs and the cranial bones. We will also look at events from the past. Have you ever had a whiplash or a concussion? The neck and head have also had to endure a lot in contact sports such as football, hockey or korfball. Every trauma from the past leaves its mark on the body that the osteopath can detect and treat.


The cause of migraine is often more complex in nature. Hormonal processes often play an important role. That is also why women suffer from migraine more often. Migraine often occurs when the body is no longer able to compensate. In other words: ‘The bucket overflows for a while.’

Our goal is to look for factors that cause your body to reach its maximum limit so quickly. Various factors can play a role in this, which the osteopath tries to diagnose and treat. For example:
-Blockages in the skull
-Tension in the muscles
-Joint blockagesHead
-Tension at the level of the organs
Irritating bowel syndrome
-Allergies en intolerences
-Incorrect balance in the diet
-Stress-related factors
-Emotional tension.

Which results can we expect for our headache?

After a few treatments you will often notice that the frequency and intensity decreases significantly. With migraines it is always a bit of a search and sometimes this can take 3 to 4 treatments. But if you can muster the patience for this, you will almost always experience a significant improvement in your discomfort.