What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy aims to improve the mobility of the connective tissue. Stress can manifest in the musculoskeletal system, but also at the intestines, skull bones and your spinal cord. Through his medical knowledge and deep sensitiveness the osteopath is able to recognize the essential movement losses.
“Osteopaten zijn uitstekend geschoold in het herkennen van onderliggende ziektebeelden. U heeft geen verwijzing nodig om ons te consulteren.”
What does an osteopath do?
The first treatment begins with an intake interview, the anamnesis. This gives us insight into your illness history. A physical examination follows. We look for tension of the body tissue, such as muscles, joints and the peritoneum. We draw up a plan from the conclusions of the examination and will start the treatment .
“De osteopaat zal uw lichaam holistisch behandelen. Handgrepen die de osteopaat toepast zijn doorgaands zacht en pijnloos”
How does the self-healing ability work?
Chronic complaints arise from a lack of self-healing ability. Good mobility of the connective tissue ensures that the tissue can be provided with the right nutrients and antibodies. In this way the self-healing ability can recover.
“The osteopath will treat your body holistically. Techniques applied by the osteopath are gentle and painless. Occasionally it is necessary to make the tissue mobile again with firmer techniques. ‘
“Een osteopathische behandeling is te ondergaan door iedereen met lichamelijke klachten. Ook baby’s, kinderen en zwangere vrouwen reageren bijzonder goed op deze therapie.”
How fast can I expect a result?
Osteopathy often works quickly. With most complaints osteopathy will give a clear improvement within 3 to 5 treatments. Complaints that have existed for years sometimes require some more time. If there is insufficient results, we advise you to contact the GP or another care provider again.
‘Osteopaths are excellently trained in recognizing underlying pathology. If in doubt, we refer you to the GP or specialist. You don’t need a referral to consult an osteopath.’